7 research outputs found

    Diseminasi Online Model Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Nasabah Perbankan Akibat Force Majeour Covid-19 di Kota Mataram

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    The relationship between the Force Majeure conditions resulting from COVID-19 with legal protection for banking clients affects the aspect of legal certainty and fairness. The normative aspect is crucial to be known and understood by all stakeholders, both the banking, the customer and the government through OJK and the legislature, concerning the legal basis of Force Majeure and the protection efforts for customers and banks. The condition of Force Majeure caused by the outbreak of COVID-19 is a condition of Majeure, based on Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2020. The presidential decree was the basis for the determination that Covid-19 was a national disaster. In that case, the banking must refer to the other legal provisions of article 1245 Civil Code and become the basis of the protection of banking customer rights. Therefore, online dissemination efforts felt critical to do to provide knowledge and understanding to the community, especially banking customers on the legal rights and economic rights, as the purpose of the community service activities conducted. They are using interactive lecture methods, questions and answers and discussions, and evaluations. The results of counseling, there is an increase in the number of tort cases in the period pandemic Covid-19 is 90 cases, between the Bank and the customer. And cases of deeds against the law as many as 3 cases. This legal remedy is a form of legal protection for banking customers who do not acquire the rights in the form of deduction and elimination of interest and fines, as stipulated in article 1245 of the Civil Code. Furthermore, the normative aspect, is not a reference yet, given the more tort lawsuit compared to lawsuits that are emerging in the condition of Force Majeure.Keywords: COVID-19; dissemination online; force majeure; banking customer rights. AbstrakHubungan antara kondisi force majeure akibat COVID-19 dengan perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah perbankan berpengaruh pada aspek kepastian hukum dan keadilan. Aspek normatif sangat penting untuk diketahui dan difahami oleh seluruh stakeholders, baik pihak perbankan, nasabah dan pemerintah melalui OJK dan legislatif, terkait dasar hukum force majeure dan upaya perlindungan bagi nasabah dan pihak perbankan. Kondisi force majeure yang disebabkan oleh wabah COVID-19, merupakan kondisi kahar, berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden nomor 12 tahun 2020. Kepres tersebut menjadi dasar penetapan bahwa COVID-19 adalah bencana nasional. Pada kondisi tersebut, pihak perbankan wajib merujuk pada ketentuan hukum lainnya yaitu pasal 1245 KUHPerdata dan menjadi dasar perlindungan hak nasabah perbankan. Oleh karena itu upaya diseminasi online dirasakan sangat penting untuk dilakukan dalam rangka memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman kepada masyarakat, khususnya nasabah perbankan terhadap hak-hak hukum dan hak ekonominya, sebagaimana tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan. Menggunakan metode ceramah interaktif, tanya jawab dan diskusi, serta evaluasi. Hasil penyuluhan, ada peningkatan jumlah kasus wanprestasi di masa pandemic COVID-19 yaitu sebanyak 90 kasus, antara pihak bank dan nasabah. Dan kasus perbuatan melawan hukum sebanyak 3 kasus. Upaya hukum tersebut merupakan bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah perbankan, yang tidak memperoleh hak-haknya berupa pengurangan dan/atau penghapusan bunga dan denda sebagaimana diatur di dalam pasal 1245 KUHPerdata. Dan aspek normative tersebut, belum menjadi rujukan, mengingat gugatan wanprestasi lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan gugatan melawan hukum yang sejatinya muncul pada kondisi force majeure.&nbsp

    Penyuluhan Hukum Pentingnya Perlindungan Lingkungan Melalui Penanaman Mangrouve di Kawasan Pesisir dan Pantai

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    Melalui pengawasan dan pengendalian pengelolaan kawasan hutan mangrove di pesisir pantai, penegakan hukum oleh aparat penegak hukum ternyata masih rendah. Hal ini juga didukung oleh kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya hutan mangrove terhadap lingkungan perairan. Daerah pesisir dan pesisir, yang rentan terhadap abrasi, membutuhkan pengelolaan berkelanjutan dan perlindungan hutan mangrove. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah penyuluhan dan aksi bersama, yaitu penanaman mangrove di wilayah pesisir dan pesisir. Kegiatan penyuluhan dan aksi penanaman mangrove ini dilakukan di wilayah pesisir Dusun Semunduk, Desa Mertak, Kecamatan Pujut, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Pemerintah desa dan masyarakat mengapresiasi adanya kegiatan penyuluhan dan penanaman mangrove. Komitmen terhadap pelestarian lingkungan kawasan pesisir dan pantai menjadi program utama yang dilaksanakan dan dikembangkan di masa depan. Hal ini sebagai bentuk komitmen dan kolaborasi bersama antara akademisi dan masyarakat terhadap upaya perlindungan lingkungan di wilayah pesisir melalui penanaman mangrove. Selain itu, kesadaran hukum masyarakat juga muncul secara alamiah dengan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup secara preventif dan represif. Kata Kunci: Penyuluhan hukum, penanaman bakau, perlindungan kawasan pesisir dan panta


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji persoalan tata laksana nilai ekonomi karbon pra dan pasca terbitnya peraturan presiden nomor 98 tahun 2021 jo peraturan Menteri lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan nomor 21 tahun 2022 tentang tata laksana penerapan nilai ekonomi karbon. Potensi hutan dan lahan, harus dimaksimalkan melalui integrasi dan rencana aksi daerah. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ekonomi karbon, selama ini berjalan masih bersifat sukarela (voluntary). Menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis doktrinal, dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan (library research). Selanjutnya menggunakan sumber data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier, dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian pertama, tata laksana ekonomi karbon pra Perpres Nomor 98 tahun 2021 jo Permenlhk Nomor 21 tahun 2022, telah dilaksanakan kurang lebih selama 15 tahun dan bersifat sukarela (voluntary) oleh kelompok masyarakat/komunitas penggiat lingkungan, baik dengan mekanisme skema Plan Vivo dan skema lainnya. Kegiatannya bersifat dua pihak (business to business) yaitu pihak komunitas dan pihak investor luar negeri. Kedua, Diterbitkannya Perpres Nomor 98 tahun 2021 jo Permenlhk Nomor 21 tahun 2022, maka kegiatan ekonomi karbon yang dilakukan sebelum regulasi tersebut lahir, diwajibkan (mandatory) untuk melakukan penyesuaian melalui skema Sistem Registri Nasional Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim (SRN PPI). Lahirnya regulasi aquo, memberikan kepastian hukum pelaksanaan nilai ekonomi karbon di Indonesia.   Abstract: This study aims to examine the issue of governance of the economic value of carbon pre- and post-issuance of presidential regulation number 98 of 2021 and regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry number 21 of 2022 concerning the implementation of the economic value of carbon. The potential of forests and land must be maximized through integration and regional action plans. The implementation of carbon economy activities, so far, is still voluntary. Using juridical doctrinal research methods, with a library research approach. Furthermore, it uses secondary data sources in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials, and is analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the first study, the management of the carbon economy pre-Presidential Regulation Number 98 of 2021 jo Permenlhk Number 21 of 2022, has been implemented for approximately 15 years and is voluntary by community groups / communities of environmental activists, both with the mechanism of the Vivo Plan scheme and other schemes. Its activities are two parties (business to business), namely the community and foreign investors. Second, the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 98 of 2021 and Permenlhk Number 21 of 2022, so carbon economic activities carried out before the regulation was born, are required (mandatory) to make adjustments through the National Registry System for Climate Change Control (SRN PPI) scheme. The birth of aquo regulation, providing legal certainty for the implementation of the economic value of carbon in Indonesia


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    Abstrak: Setiap tahun tingkat kelulusan mahasiswa lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kuantitas mahasiswa yang melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi. Oleh sebab itu, kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi mahasiswa untuk menyelesaikan studi tepat waktu melalui pengenalan kode etik selama menempuh pendidikan. Kegiatan ini telah diikuti oleh mahasiswa sebanyak 43 orang. Pada tahap awal, mahasiswa dikenalkan beberapa trik dan strategi menempuh studi dengan baik, terakhir ditutup dengan diskusi dan evaluasi menggunakan angket. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa memahami materi yang telah disampaikan mencapai 89%. Diharapkan materi yang telah diperoleh oleh mahasiswa dapat diterapkan selama menempuh jenjang pendidikan agar dapat lulus tepat waktu dengan prestasi akademik yang maksimal. Abstract:  Every year the student's graduation rate is lower compared to the quantity of students who continue their education to college. Therefore, this activity aims to increase the motivation of students to complete their studies on time through the introduction of a code of ethics while studying. This activity has been attended by 43 students. In the initial stage, students are introduced to several tricks and strategies for studying well, finally closed with discussion and evaluation using a questionnaire. The results of the activity showed that students understood the material that had been delivered reaching 89%. It is hoped that the material that has been obtained by students can be applied during the education level so that they can graduate on time with maximum academic achievement


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    Abstrak: Masyarakat merupakan salah satu basis vital dalam pencegahan kerusakan dan pembalakan hutan. Peran Masyarakat sangat penting, melalui organisasi salah satunya yaitu PDA Lombok Barat melalui Majelis Lingkungan Hidup dan Penanggulangan Bencana, dan Majelis Hukum dan HAM, diharapkan dapat menjadi Gerakan ecofeminism, yang peduli terhadap lingkungan hidup, khususnya hutan yang menjadi fokus dalam kegiatan PKM ini. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah, memberikan pemahaman kepada anggota dan jajaran PDA Lombok Barat NTB. Kegiatan ini telah diikuti oleh oleh ketua dan anggota PDA Lombok Barat sebanyak 25 orang. Tahap awal dari kegiatan ini, para peserta diberikan sosialisasi terkait regulasi terkait kehutanan, kemudian implementasi dari aturan tersebut baik dalam perspektif das sein maupun das sollen, serta peran Masyarakat. Tahap akhir kegiatan diadakan sesi diskusi dan evaluasi dengan menggunakan angket manual dengan jumlah sebanyak 15 pertanyaan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan 87% peserta memahami materi yang telah disampaikan. Harapan dengan diberikannya materi, sesi diskusi, serta evaluasi kepada para perserta, penan mereka dalam organisasi kemasyarakatan lebih ditingkatkan lagi dan lebih peduli terhadap lingkungan hidup.Abstract: The community is a vital basis for preventing forest demage and logging.The role of community is very important, through organizations, one of which is theWest Lombok PDA through the Environmental and Disarter Management Council, and the Law and Human Rights Counsil, is hoped that it can became an ecofeminism, movement, which cares abaout the environment, especcialy forest which are the focus of this PKM activity. The aim of this is to prof activity is to provide understanding to members and staff of the West Lombok NTB PDA. This activity was attended by the chairman and members of the West Lombok PDA as many as 25 people. In the initial stage of this activity, the participants were given socialization regarding regulations related to forestry, then the implementation of these regulations from both a das sein and das sollen perspective, as well as the role of the community. The final stage of the activity was a discussion and evaluation session using a manual questionnaire. The results of the activity showed that 85% of participants understood the material that had been presented. It is hoped that by providing materials, discussion sessions and evaluations to the participants, their role in community organizations will be further enhanced and they will be more concerned about the environment

    The Values of Sorong Sala' Tradition as A Solution to Develop Islah for the Generation in the Covid-19 Era

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    The use of social media today often triggers a war of opinion between its users and sometimes even leads to reporting to the authorities (police). Wars of opinion or differences of opinion occur because there are different views on something that is being discussed, such as the recent presidential election. Solving problems (simple) through legal channels, for some people is the right step, and provides a deterrent effect for the perpetrators. In fact, in the Covid- 19 era like now, the police have very many tasks, ranging from socialization activities on large-scale social restrictions to curbing and prosecuting people who violate the provisions of PP No. 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in the Context of Accelerating the Handling of Covid-19. The people began to abandon the habit that was carried out by the previous people in this country, that it would be better to solve problems peacefully and to forgive each other, for the sake of more harmonious and peaceful life. Islah can be manifested, one of which is the traditional tradition/local wisdom of sorong sala' which is known in Tepal village, one of the areas in Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, which still adheres to Adat Bersedikan Syara', Syara' Bersendikan Kitabullah. This customary tradition is carried out so that the two warring parties can reconcile without involving the authorities. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative as well as assessing secondary data about sorong sala ‘as well as filling